Roscoe Tanner is the Editor-in-Chief, leading a large team of writers at LoansForever. He has expertise in writing for various borrowing options like personal loans, long-term and short-term loans, unemployed loans and many more. Roscoe joined LoansForever in 2015 but previously worked with many reputed loan companies. He performs the major role as the editor, covering key aspects of loans and finance. Roscoe Tanner wants to serve at large in the progress of the company and to present a modern alternative to the traditional financial industry in the UK. He is a Certified Financial Planner and has a god-gift of connecting with people through his valuable suggestions and writings. His expertise as a writer and editor in the finance industry is based on his education qualification. Roscoe has done a Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Finance.

Can I still get a loan while on benefits?

Most people ask this question because they have an extreme need for cash. If you relate, then this blog is for you. Yes, you may get a loan despite leveraging benefits. Some direct lenders deal with profiles leveraging some kind of benefits. The most common of these benefits is universal credit. It is for individuals …

How Instalment Loans Can Help You Manage Your Finances?

What are instalment loans? Simply put, they give you a lump of money upfront that you pay back in small, fixed amounts each month. They’re perfect when surprise costs like home repairs pop up and stress you out! Key Factors to Consider When Choosing an Installment Loan Factor Description Interest Rate The percentage charged on …

How can you get quick loans paid on the same day?

Do you feel emergencies arrive without prior notice? That is why they are named emergencies, which means something unplanned. It would be great to have a well-funded cash reserve. You can extract cash for whatever reason and even carry out urgent payments. What if you do not have such a provision in place? You must …

What is exactly a quick loan? Does that promise instant cash?

There are situations that call for immediate action and no delay. This happens in case of financial emergencies. You cannot arrange speedy funds while the payout cannot wait any longer. The very thought that strikes your mind would be, “How can I get an instant loan immediately?”. This is a common scenario, and many people …

Why a Good Credit Score is Your Best Financial Ally?

Your credit score is a huge deal when it comes to money. It is an essential tool for smart finances. Your credit score impacts big money decisions. This number affects you if you get approved for loans. It also controls the interest rates lenders give you. The higher your score, the lower rates you pay! …

What is a Credit Check? Soft vs Hard Checks Explained   

Everyone sometimes needs to obtain some kind of financial product. You, too, must have applied for some like a loan, credit card, etc. Due to today’s high cost of living these days, loans are one of the most popular options. Before giving the loan, the company has to see whether you are eligible to pay …

How long will a ccj linger on your credit file?

Are you dealing with a CCJ? Do you want to know the duration of its stay on your credit file? Since it can seriously damage your credit scores, you might have to let go of potential financial opportunities. Now, you must be alert about this situation to do what is needed to recover from it. …

What is a County Court Judgment (CCJ)?     

A County Court Judgement is a legal order a creditor issue against a borrower who defaults. He may issue one against the person who shares unreliable payment behaviour. It is a part of the debt collection process. Through this, he requests the court to take action on the creditor’s behalf. The borrower may receive the notice through …

Who Can Be A Guarantor For A Loan?

Getting a loan can be challenging, especially if you have a bad credit history. In this condition, you may only get a loan with collateral, high income or a guarantor. A guarantor is the most popular choice for individuals facing credit issues. It reduces the risks for the lender and the borrower alike.  Moreover, providing …